TriCounty Laser Brite LLC
STEAM or DRY Carpet Cleaning

Here at 'Laser Brite', we are focused on providing carpet & upholstery cleaning service with the highest levels of customer satisfaction & we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.
We have several janitorial contracts here in Morgantown. The majority of them are w/some of our local banks and health care facilities. We are humbled by the trust given by those to whom we service and we respect that trust.
We are always honored each and every time a home owner allows us the opportunity to help them protect their investment(s) by cleaning for them, prolonging the life of their carpet/upholstery.
If you have any comments or questions that haven't been answered on our home page, please feel free to contact us. We hope to hear from you and do look forward to meeting you and establishing a fulfilling relationship.
We hope your day is FABULOUS!
~Laser Brite STAFF
Why us?
Home-grown service with home-grown pride. This is our home, our town, our life. Our work is our reputation.